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The National Voice

of the Private Investigation

and Security Professions

The National Council of Investigation and Security Services (NCISS) is the premier national association for private investigators and security professionals, representing the voice of the industry across the United States. NCISS advocates for the investigative and security professions by monitoring and influencing legislative and regulatory issues that directly impact the nearly 1 million professionals who work in these industries.

For members, NCISS provides free continuing education, training, and professional development opportunities to help professionals succeed. Members also gain access to exclusive discounts, corporate partnerships, and the nation's most robust network of fellow professional members and industry experts, creating opportunities for collaboration, referrals, and support.

By uniting professionals from diverse disciplines across the U.S., NCISS empowers members to stay informed, remain competitive, and thrive in an ever-changing landscape.

Join us in advancing the profession, preserving justice, and making a difference.
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