The National Voice
of the Private Investigation
and Security Professions
NCISS Hit The Hill March 24-25, 2025 Washington, D.C.
NCISS invites all investigators and security professionals nationwide to join us for our annual Hit the Hill event in Washington, D.C. to join our efforts in advocating for our industry, our justice system, and our society. During Hit the Hill, attendees meet with members of Congress to discuss critical legislative issues and educate lawmakers on the important role of investigators and security professionals. Networking is also a big part of the event and a great way to meet fellow members and professionals throughout the U.S.
Learn more about Hit the Hill and Register Now
Sign The Petition Protecting Private Investigators and Security Professionals Support the Investigation and Security Bill of Rights
NCISS is calling on Congress and the White House to recognize the importance of our profession and to safeguard the rights, resources, and tools necessary for investigators and security professionals to perform our duties effectively. Our ability to perform our critical work is largely affected by legislative and regulatory changes. Laws that diminish or restrict our access to resources and policies that hinder our ability to safeguard the public have a profound impact on our profession, our justice system, and society. To this end, NCISS has authored the Investigators and Security Professionals Bill of Rights to call on federal officials to recognize the necessity of our profession and the resources we require to serve the public. We invite and encourage all investigators and security professionals nationwide to sign this petition to support our profession and make your voice heard.
Learn More & Sign the Petition